Corporate Governance


Fraport practices responsible corporate governance and control. Corporate governance at Fraport aims to create value in the long term and to establish and bolster trust among investors, customers, employees, and the general public. Good corporate governance is therefore Fraport’s top priority. In this context, efficient cooperation between the Executive Board and Supervisory Board is just as important as consideration of shareholder interests, as well as open and transparent corporate communication. Fraport follows national and international developments in this area and regularly reviews corporate practice in connection with new legal requirements and updated national and international standards, bringing corporate practice into line where necessary.

Corporate governance at Fraport is chiefly based on the German Stock Corporation Act (“AktG”) and the current version of the German Corporate Governance Code (the “Code”). The Code imposes material legal requirements for the management and monitoring of German listed companies and contains nationally and internationally recognized standards of good and responsible governance in the form of recommendations and suggestions. In accordance with section 161 AktG, the Executive Board and Supervisory Board are required to submit an annual declaration of compliance with the Code.”