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Photo Library / Wallpapers@FRA

Our photo library contains a large number of images that you can use free of charge.

Our Photo Library provides images in a resolution suitable for your publications, which you may download and use free of charge. Please note that the images are protected by copyright and must be accompanied by a source citation (Photo: Fraport AG).

If you need further images, please contact our  Photo Team.  

Video Footage and Television Features

Frankfurt Airport as a filming location: there are many stories you can tell about Germany’s largest air traffic hub.

Germany’s largest airport is full of exciting topics worth reporting on, from the Lufthansa Animal Lounge across the work of the Federal Police to winter services for planes and runways. This page contains a collection of videos and TV broadcasts on a wide range of interesting themes.

Please contact us,  if you have questions about permission to film or use of the video footage provided here. We’ll be happy to help.


FraFacts (Infographics)

Our FraFacts provide information and explanations on a wide range of topics

Here you’ll find concise summaries of various airport processes, facts and figures on flight operations, and information about ongoing and planned projects and new developments.

Magazines, Reports, and Other Publications

Overview of all print publications

Annual reports, sustainability reports, and other Fraport AG publications.


The Airport is repeatedly in the limelight of the media. No matter if it is about topics on a daily basis, documentations about flight operations or entire "topic days" on TV channels: Frankfurt Airport fascinates.


Contact us

For media and press  inquiries please contact your respective contact person.

A duty press officer is available from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. on Saturdays, Sundays, and on German public holidays to answer media enquiries on current or urgent topics. Members of the media can call the duty press officer at  +49 173 – 6892804 or by email to

More Fraport

What started as "Südwestdeutsche Luftverkehr AG" is today a global linchpin of aviation.


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Our Global Group Airports and Companies

From Europe to Asia and the Americas: Fraport is active around the globe



International activities

We are the "Global Investment & Management" division of Fraport and responsible for all airport investment and consulting activities outside of Frankfurt.
